Ds Art "The Visual Humor of Don Stewart"
Composite Drawings in Ballpoint
Edward Hill, in his "Language of Drawing", stated that the student mirrors his teaching - Often through opposition. When Don Stewart was a student in one of my drawing courses at Birmingham-Southern College many years ago, he was chided for the "improper use" of ballpoint pen. Illustrating Mr. Hill's theory perfectly, Stewart has investigated, tested, and polished the applications of the once-lowly instrument - seeking a new potential rather than settling for the ordinary. Feathery lines and nubby textures supplement his definitive lights and darks, enticing the viewer further to seek their objects' whimsical presence. The visual puns of his devious mind are delivered with a wit and intelligence seldom seen. As I have half-jokingly related to co-appreciators of his work, I feel personally responsible for his success.
Robert Shelton
Professor of Art
Birmingham-Southern College
Birmingham, Alabama